Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Relationship between Smoking and Heart Disease

There’s always a first time for everything, and the link between smoking and heart disease is not exceptional. The question in today’s Smoking Fact - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – “Is there any relationship between Smoking and Heart Disease?”

The Relationship between Smoking and Heart Disease

There are many risk factors for heart disease. The two main high risk factors are a diet that is high in fatty food and smoking. Indulging in fatty food will result in the build up of fat in your blood stream. This will then manifests itself in two ways, as high blood pressure or high cholesterol level.

There are many risk factors for heart disease. The two main high risk factors are a diet that is high in fatty food and smoking. Indulging in fatty food will result in the build up of fat in your blood stream. This will then manifests itself in two ways, as high blood pressure or high cholesterol level. Both will means that your heart is working harder to pump the blood, increasing the risk of heart attack. Smoking is a high risk factor for heart disease because the carcinogens in the cigarettes contribute to various heart problems. Together these two risk factors are the most serious because they are hard to kick habits.

Smoking and Coronary Heart Disease:

There are still a few who chose to deny the connection between smoking and coronary heart disease. Often, this denial comes from those who profit from the sale of cigarettes. Today, smoking remains legal and is a personal choice although many countries have moved to ban smoking in public areas.

Most people who chose to ignore the danger of smoking are merely hiding their weakness for the habit. It is a serious concern especially as pop culture continues to portray smoking as glamorous. This will breed the next generation of smokers who will then find themselves firmly stuck by their addiction to nicotine. It is important to know that the ill effects of smoking on the human heart are not immediate. It is a slow but steady process. It is also because the effects are gradual that one should not take long living smokers as evidence that smoking is not harmful to human health.

The good news is that an individual who has been smoking for an extended number of years may be able to avoid a life-threatening problem if they quit smoking early enough. Studies have shown that the lungs can regain their efficiency when smoking is stopped. The reversal of clogged blood arteries on the other hand is not so straightforward. So it is still best to avoid smoking or to quit while there is still time.

Effects of Smoking on Heart Disease:

Smoking causes a number of negative effects on the human body including respiratory problems and the stunting of growth. The constant inhalation of smoke over an extended period of time will also constrict the arteries. When this occurs, the risk of heart attack will increase.

The carcinogens present in cigarettes are part of the connection between smoking and heart disease. These chemicals get absorbed into the blood stream when one smokes or breathes in second hand cigarette smoke. These chemicals will contaminate the heart and other organs as they circulate around the body. When the nicotine from the cigarettes builds up in the blood stream, the blood becomes thick and is more prone to clotting. Nicotine will also build up in the valves leading to the heart; affect their functions, which can cause a heart attack.

Needless to say, anybody who is concerned about coronary heart disease should not pick up smoking or should stop smoking immediately. It would be the best health decisions a person can ever make.

Not smoking has many benefits besides reducing the risk of heart disease. Just count the saving if you have a pack a day habit. Assuming it costs $10 a pack, it is $300 a month saving or enough saving in a year to go for an overseas holiday if you stop smoking, Besides the immediate financial gain from not spending money on cigarettes (which can add up to a small fortune), smokers who quit will soon be pleasantly surprised to re-discover their taste buds.

Smoking affects the taste buds making food taste bland. The lungs have a certain capacity to repair themselves. So the ex-smokers can look forward to less breathless episodes and better quality of life. Most importantly, the ex-smokers should also know that they are relieving a heavy mental burden from those who love them.

There are a variety of ways to quit smoking. Consult your doctor for treatment options or seek help from smoking cessation help groups. You are sure to find a method that will work for you. It could be the thing that will save your life.


Our Contributor: Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit Cure for Heart Disease to learn more about other causes of coronary heart disease.

NB: - for more valuable information and guideline visit: Stop Smoking

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Is There Really A Connection Between Quitting Smoking And Weight Gain?

There’s always a first time for everything, and getting scared of gaining weight is not exceptional. The question in today’s Smoking Fact - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – “Is there a connection between quitting smoking and weight gain?”

It's an interesting fact that many people hesitate to quit smoking because they are truly afraid of the weight gain that they think will follow.

Is There Really A Connection Between Quitting Smoking And Weight Gain?

It's an interesting fact that many people hesitate to quit smoking because they are truly afraid of the weight gain that they think will follow. Many would rather be inhaling a cancer causing agent and some 4,000 toxins several times a day than have a few extra inches around their belly or thighs. But is there really a connection between quitting smoking and weight gain, and if so, what is the extent of that connection? Being overweight is not healthy either so should one be concerned about if one is considering an attempt at quitting smoking? And if there really is a connection, how bad is it?

It's true that for many people there really is something of a connection between quitting smoking and weight gain. Many who have quit smoking have found that they have put on a few pounds after that and they have trouble taking off this weight as well. What causes a person that quits smoking to have weight gain and how can you avoid it if at all?

Understanding why quitting smoking and weight gain are connected is the first key to avoiding this problem. Most people who quit smoking have intense cravings and find that they have very nervous hands, meaning that they need something in their mouths to calm those cravings and something in their hands to keep them occupied the way cigarettes used to. What better way to accomplish these two things than to eat? Also, because most who quit smoking are jittery and anxious because of the nicotine cravings, they find that eating helps to calm them down. When we eat the body releases endorphins, which are those "feel good" hormones. So for most, the connection between quitting smoking and weight gain is that they simply replace smoking with eating. There's no chemical process in your body that makes you put on weight as soon as you deprive yourself of cigarette smoke, but it's your own habits that cause this.

Once you understand this connection between quitting smoking and weight gain you can better prepare yourself to avoid it if you quit smoking. Many smokers are also very sedentary since the smoking makes physical activity difficult, and this too makes the weight hard to take off. If you prepare yourself for the smoking and weight gain connection you can make a plan on what snacks to have in the house that will curb your cravings without making you overweight and you can make a plan on adding exercise to your routine as well.

And remember that while being overweight is not healthy, cigarette smoking is much worse. So while there is a slight connection between quitting smoking and weight gain it's obviously worth the time and effort it takes to avoid this and quit anyway!


Our Contributor: Brian Welsch of Chantix

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Stop Smoking

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stop Smoking: Hypnotherapy Home Study Course

There’s always a first time for everything, and asking for help is not exceptional. The question in today’s Smoking Fact - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – “Is hypnosis stop smoking program a healthy way to end this bad habit?"

Stop Smoking: Hypnotherapy Home Study Course

Lots of individuals are dealing with the problem on how to stop smoking. This is one of the hard tasks to do and in some cases it takes a little more will power than what some have inside them. However, with a little help, you can make use of hypnosis stop smoking to end your problem with this addicting habit.

Hypnosis stop smoking program is a healthy way to end this bad habit so that you can live a happy and healthy lifestyle. There is just no substantial reason to go on with this problem on your hands. When you have the right help, you can put the cigarettes on trash so that you are able to end a habit that is controlling your life. There is no need to deal with this problem by yourself. You do not have to take on the pressure it brings by yourself. You need help to get you through the tough spots of quitting smoking.

Self hypnosis is something you can do to help yourself to escape from the ruining effects of smoking. However, you need to have enough information on what are the things that you need to do in doing this. There are many available hypnosis resources in bookstores in your locality. The Internet also provides quality information about hypnotherapy home study course.

And, if you want to have a help from others, hypnosis stop smoking is something that you can do with the help of a professional. There are lots of hypnotists that are around to help individuals end their smoking habits. They are very good at what they do and in some cases; they will almost instantly help you in quitting the habit that you want to get rid of so badly. You can find these hypnotists in most places. Some of them have seminars on hypnosis to stop smoking. They will hold these seminars to show individuals what they are capable of doing for them.

If you are trying to stop smoking, you may want to check out these great hypnotists seminars and you may find the help that you need for your problem. You can hear and learn about how they will help you kick the habit and get back on the right track. By joining such seminars, you may realize that you can live a happy life with less stress when you decide to take hypnosis to stop smoking challenge that is offered for you.

Usually the fee is small for the stop smoking hypnosis service. Sometimes the fee is returned if you are not satisfied with the results. If you do not stop smoking as a result of the hypnosis, these hypnotists will refund a full or partial payment.


Our Contributor: Stephen Campbell of

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Stop Smoking

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Stop Smoking: A New Year's Resolution !

There’s always a first time for everything, To Quit Smoking is not exceptional. The question in today’s Smoking Fact - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "Why should you make a new year's resolution to stop smoking?"

Its that time of the year again! New year is the time of celebrations, festivities and indulgences and of course, resolutions. Perhaps one resolution that every smoker makes on New Years day is to quit this habit, only to see it being broken after a couple of weeks. However, to make your this resolution work you need to go about it in a systematic manner.

The fundamental factor that stands between you and a successful resolution is your mindset. It would be advisable for you to embark on a stop smoking program only and only if you are mentally prepared. Ask yourself if you are ready to take this step that could mean a lot of initial hardships but good health in the long run. If you feel that you really have that desire to quit this deadly habit, go ahead and make a stop smoking resolution. While resolutions can be made anytime during the year, New Year resolution holds a special significance as it means a new beginning in a new year.

Once you have fixed a goal, go about accomplishing it with all your zeal. It is quite possible that you may have tried giving up smoking on earlier occasions too but were unsuccessful then. This could play at the back of your mind when you think of this resolution. However, banish all negative thoughts and focus on your present endeavour to emerge triumphant. Nowadays, hypnotherapy has emerged as a popular choice to condition the mind to become amenable to desirable changes. Hypnosis is widely employed to help people quit smoking. So, if you suffer from low motivation levels or self-doubts, you should not hesitate to opt for this valuable option that helps change the way the conscious mind thinks by altering the subconscious mind.

There are few things that you will have to begin with in an attempt to realize your resolution. Firstly, throw out all ashtrays, cigarette packs and any other reminders of your smoking days. Do not hide away a pack for an emergency, it could well be the difference between success and failure.

It is also very important to enlist the support of family and friends so to ensure success in your resolution. A support system is very crucial in providing moral and emotional backing when the going gets tough for a person trying to implement their stop smoking resolution. A person must be prepared to handle withdrawal symptoms that are likely fallout of the resolution. With the help of their support system they can manage their mood swings, irritability and depression that accompany quitting smoking, with greater ease.

This year, go ahead and make your resolution count. Put the past behind and strive to make a fresh beginning. Once you begin reaping the benefits of giving up the habit you will be thankful that you made a stop smoking resolution.


Credit to

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit:Quit Smoking

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Find out how smoking affects your health and the health of those around you.

There’s always a first time for everything, To Quit Smoking is not exceptional. The question in today’s Smoking Fact - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "What can you do give up and where can you get help?"

Smoking causes numerous diseases and health problems, some fatal, among both smokers and non-smokers. For this reason, smoking is prohibited in a growing number of public places and a wide range of support services has been developed to help individuals quit smoking.

Reasons to quit smoking

People give up smoking for many reasons, from a desire to improve their health and to save money, to wanting to appeal to the opposite sex or reduce any potential harm on someone else's health.

Avoiding a smoking habit

Many smokers say they started smoking before the age of 18, even though the law prevents anyone selling tobacco, cigarettes or cigarette papers to those under this age. Avoiding the temptation to smoke at an early age is therefore important to prevent you developing a habit.

Improving your health

In the UK one person dies from a smoking-related disease every four minutes. Smoking causes:

  1. lung cancer (smoking causes over 80 per cent of all lung cancer deaths)
  2. other cancers eg mouth and throat cancer
  3. strokes
  4. stomach ulcers
  5. heart disease
  6. bronchitis
  7. leukaemia
  8. gangrene

It can also worsen colds, chest problems and allergies like hay fever, bronchitis and emphysema, as well as have unpleasant side-effects such as wrinkles and bad breath. Smoking can also make you cough, sneeze or feel short of breath when you exercise.

Saving money

Calculate how much your smoking habit is costing you in terms of money and you might be surprised how much you could save.

Protecting other people's health

Breathing in other peoples cigarette smoke, called secondhand smoke, can also cause cancer.

  1. smoking around children - children exposed to secondhand smoke are twice as likely to get chest illnesses like croup, pneumonia bronchitis and bronchiolitis, and more likely to get ear infections, tonsillitis, wheezing and childhood asthma
  2. mothers-to-be and smoking - smoking during pregnancy can affect both you and your babys health, and if you are exposed to secondhand smoke this can pass on harmful gases and chemicals to your baby
  3. smoking in public - smoking is banned by law in many public places, including: all forms of public transport; theatres; cinemas; and public buildings

Using a support service

NHS Stop Smoking Services - smokers are four times more likely to quit by using NRT together with support from NHS Stop Smoking Services - compared with using willpower alone. Find your nearest service by:

  1. visiting the NHS 'Giving up smoking' website (England and Wales only)
  2. texting GIVE UP' and your full postcode to 88088
  3. telephoning the NHS Smoking Helpline (0800 169 0 169)
  4. asking your local GP practice, pharmacy or hospital

The Together programme is a government initiative, in England only, designed to help you quit smoking using a wide range of support materials.

The NHS Smoking Helpline (0800 169 0 169) in England and Wales offers free practical advice about giving up smoking, as well as a free information pack, while in Scotland, Smokeline (0800 84 84 84) provides free confidential advice and support

The 'Giving up smoking' website also offers people in England and Wales an Ask an expert service. The Smokeline website offers a similar private and confidential service in Scotland.

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Quit Smoking

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How To Stop Smoking Once And For All To Avoid The Dangers

There’s always a first time for everything, Stop Smoking is not exceptional. The question in today’s Smoking Facts - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "Why you should stop smoking?"

Regardless of warnings, it has taken the past several decades for people to finally get the message that they need to stop smoking. Why is it necessary to quit, and why are people in denial? The answers could save your life.

When you decide to stop smoking, you will undoubtedly reap some health benefits from quitting. To end the habit successfully, one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself is to make a list of the reasons for quitting.

Then, when the craving for a cigarette hits, you can take your list out and look at your reasons for quitting. Oftentimes, the list of benefits will override your urge to smoke.

First of all, deciding to stop smoking will improve your overall health. Oftentimes, you can reverse the bad health effects that cigarettes have had on your body when you decide to stop smoking and actually do it.

Your heart will work better, your nose and taste buds will work better, and you will even have increased endurance and stamina. Your lungs will even be able to breathe better which will make you feel better all around.

Secondly, your decision will halt the terrible damage caused to your body, enabling you to live longer. Think of the heartbroken children or family member you may end up leaving behind, should you die before your time.

The risk of heart attacks for smokers is often present. With most men suffering heart attacks in their forties and upwards, the situation often leaves fatherless children. The immediate reasons for quitting smoking are many.

Ex-smokers often find that their sense of taste and smell returns, not realizing that for many years, both senses were dulled and affected by cigarette smoking. There's also a point where ex-smokers realize that smoking smells awful and leaves their clothing with a lingering odor.

Many smokers who quit discover that they sleep better or generally have a better feeling, as if they'd suddenly found a boost of strength or energy they didn't have before.

The health of others is an important reason to stop. Many smokers do so in their own homes, exposing others and often children to dangerous second-hand effects of a cigarette habit. Ear infections, common in many children, have been linked to second-hand smoke.

In fact, one family that had a child suffering continuous ear infections noticed the issue halted abruptly after both parents stopped smoking indoors. Asthma in children can also be smoking-related, and since no young toddler with breathing problems is puffing away on a cigarette, smokers can be part of the cause.

Smoking has extremely harmful effects on the body and that is why you should want to stop smoking right away. One way to see the harmful effects is to wipe off a wall in your house to see the yellowy film that the smoke leaves behind.

Since secondhand smoke has been shown to be more dangerous, try to smoke outside if you simply cannot quit. This will save everybody else that you live with from the harmful effects.


Credit to Mike Selvon's quit smoking and quit smoking blog.

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Stop Smoking

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Monday, June 9, 2008

How to Help a Friend Quit Smoking

There’s always a first time for everything, Quitting smoking is not exceptional. The question in today’s Smoking Fact - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "Is it possible to encourage a friend to quit smoking?"

Help a friend quit smoking by consistently being there as an encouragement to them. Support their goal to stop smoking with enthusiasm and vigor -- this well help them face their smoking demon. The power of a supportive family member or friend is amazing to anyone who is trying to quit smoking.

How to Encourage

Many people that are close to a smoker do not know how to encourage them without being a nag. Encouragement is a wonderful gift to your friend or family member and can easily be accomplished. You do not need special skills to just need a kind heart and a willingness to listen.

Once quitting has been identified as a possible goal it is time for you to step in with encouraging words. It is important not to be overly focused on helping the person become smokeless. Instead use encouraging words to let your friend or family member know that you are there for them if they need anything.

Becoming smoke-free is a long and difficult process. Your job as the encourager is to help your friend forget about the mistakes or slip-ups and encourage all the progress they are making. Most smokers do have an occasional slip up, don't encourage a slip up but don't berate your friend when one happens. Everyone is human and will make mistakes; it is what happens after the mistake that counts. Help your friend get back on track to reaching their non-smoking goal.

Nicotine and tobacco are very addictive substances that can take months or even years to truly get out of a person's system. Even after quitting some smokers say they continue to have urges to start smoking again. Your loved one will welcome your continued support as they struggle to stay smoke-free.

How to Quit Smoking

It does not matter how a person chooses to quit smoking. Some people feel that they have to quit smoking cold turkey, while others cannot imagine the horrors of that. The gradual decrease of nicotine is the most common way for smokers to quit smoking. They gradually decrease their exposure to nicotine through decreasing their cigarette consumption and often time using a nicotine patch.

For encouragement purposes you can help support your friend or family member no matter how they have decided to quit smoking. Some important tips to help encourage the smoker's in your life to stop smoking:

1. Be positive and uplifting when you talk about their successes.

2. Acknowledge when mistakes are made but don't dwell on them

3. Support their choice in quitting strategies

4. Help them steer clear of highly charged smoking situations

5. Be their friend!

You do not have to be a counselor to be good at encouraging. Simply be there for your friend or family member as they struggle to quit smoking. Encourage them every moment you get and they will soon have control over their desire to stop smoking. Remember that every person is going to quit smoking in a different way, so be supportive of the way your friend has decided to quit smoking and don't judge them.

Credit to Quitting smoking

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Stop Smoking

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